Research shows that modest weight loss (5-10% of baseline weight) is associated with improved health outcomes and a reduction in risk factors for chronic disease, including lower blood glucose levels, lower blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol levels.

Most Weight Loss Programs have two things in common:

  • Exercise
  • Proper Diet

However, what is lacking in these programs in the encouragement and emotional support for you to maintain your consistency.

At Saphire Primary Care Associates, we still emphasize the importance of proper diet and exercise routines but we also make clients understand just how important it is to stay in the program. We focus on:

  • Helping you build more lean muscle by watching what you eat and recommending exercises that promote muscle growth.
  • Educating you on the foods you eat – think fresh! Your plate should be colorful with fruits and vegetables and the right proteins.
  • Planning your meals so you’ll know what to eat in for a given period of time. One of the main reasons why diets are not followed to the T is because planning is not in place. We tend to grab the nearest, fastest, and most convenient food around which may not necessarily be the healthiest option available.
  • Monitoring your progress by keeping track of your weight, body mass, and other vital factors.

At Saphire Primary Care Associates, we offer a program that can help you achieve a significant result with your weight loss goal, which includes diet counseling, appetite suppressant (when indicated), and injections (B12 and Lipoden). Your initial visit will include screening physical exam, lab works to assess your thyroid, liver, and kidney function. Please call the clinic for further details.

If you are interested to know more about this service, please don’t hesitate to contact us or give us a visit.